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Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving Weekend--Part 1

On Tuesday, Daddy and Mommy both had the day off. The family did a little bit of Christmas shopping, and later headed up to Bellingham. Uncle Kyle's office was holding an open house, so we joined the party there.

After the office party at Edward Jones, we went to the new Bob's restaurant in Bellingham. Uncle Timber is a manager there, and Dylan got to say 'hi' to him.

On Thursday, Mommy and Dylan headed up to the Bellingham area. A bunch of the family from Bellingham had Thanksgiving dinner up there. Dylan's grandparents and uncle from Portland joined the party, too. Daddy had to work, but he came up with the dogs after he got off at 6 pm.

On Friday morning, Grandma Helen made us breakfast. She also introduced Dylan to tangerines. Dylan thought they were fun to play with.

Thanksgiving Weekend--Part 2

Dylan had fun playing with his Uncle Justin.

Dylan took time out of his busy play schedule to give Mommy a kiss.

On Saturday, Grandpa and Grandma Johnson fed Dylan some cereal.

Dylan demonstrated that he doesn't care if it's messy, as long as it's good!

After church on Saturday, we headed back to Bob's. Dylan showed that he is a multi-tasker... Here he drank his bottle while watching the USC vs. Notre Dame football game.

The snow began falling Saturday, but it really began accumulating on Sunday. The crew braved the roads to get back to Papa Rob and Grandma Helen's house.

Dylan bundled up for the trip.

Sunday afternoon, Daddy, Mommy, Dylan, and the dogs got in the Yukon and headed back to Marysville. The roads were covered with snow, and speeds on I-5 were between 20 and 35 mph most of the way home. The trip between Bellingham and Marysville usually takes about 50 minutes, but it took about 2.5 hours Sunday afternoon. We were very thankful for making it home safely.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Track Suit

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

November 15th

This picture is from Tuesday, November 7th. That night, Chris took us out to dinner at Anthony's Woodfire in Everett to celebrate Mom's birthday.

These pictures are from Thursday, November 9th.
I am concentrating on my binky.

Hi, Dad! Sure, I'll pose for the camera!

This picture was from Friday, November 10th. I went to Grandma Helen's and Papa Rob's house for the weekend. Here I am asking Mommy if it's okay for me to drive.

Today, Daddy and Dylan are hanging out.

It's been a pretty good day today, but it was a long night last night. I've been a little stuffy, and I'm possibly teething, too. Here I'm taking a nap with my Buddy, Skipit the Dog.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Here I am at my first basketball game. I'm at Daddy's university where Uncle Kyle used to play.

Hi from Grandma Helen and Papa Rob's house. They're watching me while Mommy and Daddy are at a marriage conference up at Semiahmoo.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hi, everyone!

Monday, November 06, 2006


Here's some video of Dylan demonstrating his new talent!

November 6th

Today, Dylan and Daddy are hanging out at home, while Mommy has to work. We miss her. Here, Dylan gets his seat warmed up for the Monday Night Football game with the Seahawks.

Daddy has to keep an eye out, though, because Dylan wants to roll everywhere, even on the couch!

Here, Dylan kept rolling until he met up with the back of the sofa.

This afternoon, Dylan ate in his highchair for the first time!

I think I like this cereal...

Maybe I'll get a closer look! Watch out, Dad, I like to grab things!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Let's Roll.......

Today I learned how to roll over. The only thing is, is that once I started I didn't stop. I rolled all the way across the room... and then just kept going. Nothing is safe anymore. No more playing on mommy and daddy's bed while mommy and daddy get ready in the morning, no more lying on the couch, no more mommy picking out something for me to wear while I lay on my changing table alone. No more! I am a big boy now. Life as mommy knows it has now changed for good. I cannot be trusted alone. Who knows where I might end up next. I love to show off my new trick...I can't wait to show daddy when he gets home from work:)

Ready for Winter!

Mommy bought me some new mittens and a matching snow hat! At first I hated them but after awhile I decided they weren't so bad. I was a little embarassed because they didn't match my "jams." I will for sure be ready when the snow comes!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Halloween Pictures--Part 1